You only have one body. It is special and sacred. Most importantly, it belongs to only you. Your private parts; breast, buttocks, chest, penis, and vagina are private and should not be touched inappropriately by anyone! Other parts of your body, including your mind, are private too. Inappropriate touching is whatever makes you feel uncomfortable. Inappropriate behavior can also include verbal and visual suggestions.
A trusted adult, someone who is loving and kind and has always respected your body boundaries, will explain more about inappropriate behaviors to you.

If someone makes you feel uncomfortable, for example, by standing or sitting too close, hugging too long or too tight, tickles you against your will or enjoys tickling you after you’ve asked them to stop, play fights with a lot of body contact, asks you to sit on their thighs or rock on their knees, makes inappropriate suggestions about your private parts, asks to play inappropriate body games, asks you to take off your clothes or show your underwear, asks you to take photos against your will, or shows you inappropriate images of body parts or their private parts, here’s what you should do…
To every child who has endured the unbearable burden of abuse, this book is dedicated to you. I pray that God will guide the distribution of this book, so it is placed in the hands of those who need it most.
But Jesus said, suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 19:14 KJV
Happy Reading!
Dr. Aubuchon